Monday, November 28, 2011

Biggest Short Film Yet!!!!!

Spoof the LARGEST of all the MONSTERS.  Godzilla VS The Two Ton Tit

Planet Splat presents this earth shaking special spoof.... Splat-zilla attacks the city and joins forces with a NEW Monster - "The Two Ton Tit".  Hilarious Fun as the people of this fine city encounter the wild beasts.

CLICK For Fun.
"No one is safe.  Scary Crazy! Scary Crazy!"  Watch the biggest short video yet.
Godzilla VS the Two Ton Tit

Contact Planet Splat at

Bigger is Better!  More Laughs!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Gobble Gobble Gobble on Turkey Day

Planet Splat wishes you safe travels this holiday!
Enjoy a short airplane video - SPLAT AIRLINES!
Crazy Airplane Travel Movie
Click for silliness -Gobble

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Splat is Wack !!!!!!

Crazy as a Loon!  Eat your Videos with a Spoon.

ENTERing PlaNeT SPLAT ---- hold on to YoUR EyeS and MiND.  THis is some weird stuff.
LooK & U will see.
The TWo TON Tit
 A Monster COMedy - Fun and StraNGE --------  WATch if you Need something different.
ON SPlaT life is different then on EARTH.  It is hard to WRite about, you nEED to Experience it for youseLF.   
 Look into the EYES of SPlat!  You will sEE this NEw World, a distaNT place.  So NEW.
BEHOLD what U R seeking......  C 4 youRselF........PLANET SPLAT, PLANet SplaT, plAnet spLat.
CLick for killers, monster, weird stuff.  Short titled; KiLLER RoCKs.   WatcH DA the strangness.

Look for more splat........ at - channel infoplanetsplat.

GO in PeACe.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Watch Funny Silliness - Planet Splat is Here

You can never smile enough, so they say.  And here on Planet Splat we agree!

A smile, a laugh, a belly chuckle all impact your day.  So have a smile on us. 

Planet Splat presents comedy and horror, silliness and shock, wild and weird.  So stop by and enjoy a new dimension of animation.  Planet Splat presents....
Click Below for the fun of it. 
And it's FREE.
More you say....sure.  Try this next one.  Just Click.
Contact Planet Splat at
More videos on  Just type: Planet Splat.

Work out your face, smile ten times in a row.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Happy Go Lucky Day celebrated on SPLAT

Say WHAT??? !!!!!

HappyGoLucky DAY is here, finally!  On Planet Splat this is the best time of the year.  The day when nothing matters except having a good time and having fun.  What could be better then that.

HappyGoLucky DAY, it happens four times a year, BUT it should be everyday.  People aren't in a rush, no one works (that's if you are lucky), and everyone smiles. 

So HAPPYGOLUCKY Day to you and your family from Planet Splat.

Enjoy the short videos and have a wonderful day.  Don't for get to kiss the dog and give the wife an extra bone today.  Smile All!!!
Start Your HAPPYGOLUCKY Day here
Click Below - Smile
The smiles are on us today!  Planet Splat presents this silly short about a jumping Wild Cherry.  Weird silliness.  But then it's HapppyGoLucky Day.   Be weird and silly.

Share you comments with Planet Splat at

HappyGoLucky Day to All! 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday Monday .... I hate you so.

Say Goodbye to the weekend and HELLO to the week....

Monday, Monday, how I hate you so.  Work, rushing, work, traffic, work; everything crashing together so it seems.   That wonderful extra sleep of Sunday seems so long ago.

Monday, Monday, how you treat me so.  It may not be fair to blame the first day of the week for all the troubles it causes.  But Monday Monday, I do hate you so.


Check out a short video.  Planet Splat presents; AIRPLANE a short silly comedy about air travel.  Come watch and fly SPLAT airlines for an easy trip to LAX.  Sure to make you smile.

Clear away those Monday Blues....take a trip with SPLAT Airlines.

Click Below.  Watch as Cats and Dogs Rain from the sky.
All Aboard for Good Fun.
Contact Planet Splat -
See more videos on at infoplanetsplat

BE sure TUESDAY is only a day away.  Try to smile.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Justin Bieber say it ain't so.....

What has the world come to when teen stars have gone WILD!

Justin Bieber a father?  Paternity, legal battles, babies out of wedlock..... those rock n roll artists are all out of control.  :)

HAS BIEBER gone the way of LOHAN?  Let's hope this is all about nothing.  Or let's hope, he just does the right thing.

Jackson, Lohan and now Bieber.   In the end they all go over the deep end.... SO SAD!

NEED A LAUGH.... WATCH this silly video. 
Bieber would have done better to watch this video.
CLICK to laugh.
Airline! Watch as a crying baby is silenced, as a storm endangers a airflight to LAX.
Airplane travel the way it should be..... SPLAT Airlines.

Planet Splat presents, contact us at

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

nEED A Laugh ... tAKE a BREak... YOU EARNED it.

wAY oUT.....wAY oUT.....THaT'S wheRE the Fun IS....!!!!!!!!

hEY CHECK OUT thIS sILLy vidEO.......

go AHEad......tAKE A look.............

jUST CLICK below and Take a ride..........

wHAT IS stopping you...... nO MORE readingjUST Click aND WATCH.  :)