Friday, December 23, 2011

CHRISTMAS COMEDY - check out silly holiday fun

From Planet Splat!
Santa finds a bad reindeer in bed with a good girl. Very very good.
Happy Holidays from Splat!
Watch short animations on Planet Splat. Humor and Horror from the minds of Team Splat.

Try the short staire ---------- click to watch. A silly zanny satire that has Godzilla (SPLATzilla) taking over a city with THE TWO TON TIT. View the laughs, view the spoof, view the action.
SPLATZILLA (just click to LAUGH)
IMAGES FROM THE SHORT Animations from Planet Splat.
Gaint Monster attack the city ---- the TWO TON TIT takes over the streets.
Silly and Original
Big and Wild
Scary and Crazy
"Scary Crazy" Attack of the Two Ton Tit VS Splatvilla
New Fun Animations - Always Fun - Always Wild

Email Planet Splat -

CLICK TO Watch! It's our gift to you. ENJOY!
A silly airport animation - watch air travel made fun and easy.
No Bag Fees, No Delays, No Hassels
Splat Airlines - Air Travel the way it should be.
Click to Watch!
Try more videos on YOUTUBE.COM - Planet Splat

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Santa finds a Bad Girl

Hohoho!  Happy Holidays!  Merry Christmas!  Happy New Year!  Tis the season to be Merry.

Check out silly humor from Planet Splat. 

Christmas has gone bad.  Or at least the Reindeer.  Enjoy the holidays, enjoy the humor and satire.
Watch wild silly video shorts from Planet Splat.... :)

Click for a new short.
Godzilla (Splat-zilla VS the Two Ton Tit)
Satire that is huge fun!
Contact Planet Splat at

May Santa get your list in time!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Biggest Short Film Yet!!!!!

Spoof the LARGEST of all the MONSTERS.  Godzilla VS The Two Ton Tit

Planet Splat presents this earth shaking special spoof.... Splat-zilla attacks the city and joins forces with a NEW Monster - "The Two Ton Tit".  Hilarious Fun as the people of this fine city encounter the wild beasts.

CLICK For Fun.
"No one is safe.  Scary Crazy! Scary Crazy!"  Watch the biggest short video yet.
Godzilla VS the Two Ton Tit

Contact Planet Splat at

Bigger is Better!  More Laughs!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Gobble Gobble Gobble on Turkey Day

Planet Splat wishes you safe travels this holiday!
Enjoy a short airplane video - SPLAT AIRLINES!
Crazy Airplane Travel Movie
Click for silliness -Gobble

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Splat is Wack !!!!!!

Crazy as a Loon!  Eat your Videos with a Spoon.

ENTERing PlaNeT SPLAT ---- hold on to YoUR EyeS and MiND.  THis is some weird stuff.
LooK & U will see.
The TWo TON Tit
 A Monster COMedy - Fun and StraNGE --------  WATch if you Need something different.
ON SPlaT life is different then on EARTH.  It is hard to WRite about, you nEED to Experience it for youseLF.   
 Look into the EYES of SPlat!  You will sEE this NEw World, a distaNT place.  So NEW.
BEHOLD what U R seeking......  C 4 youRselF........PLANET SPLAT, PLANet SplaT, plAnet spLat.
CLick for killers, monster, weird stuff.  Short titled; KiLLER RoCKs.   WatcH DA the strangness.

Look for more splat........ at - channel infoplanetsplat.

GO in PeACe.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Watch Funny Silliness - Planet Splat is Here

You can never smile enough, so they say.  And here on Planet Splat we agree!

A smile, a laugh, a belly chuckle all impact your day.  So have a smile on us. 

Planet Splat presents comedy and horror, silliness and shock, wild and weird.  So stop by and enjoy a new dimension of animation.  Planet Splat presents....
Click Below for the fun of it. 
And it's FREE.
More you say....sure.  Try this next one.  Just Click.
Contact Planet Splat at
More videos on  Just type: Planet Splat.

Work out your face, smile ten times in a row.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Happy Go Lucky Day celebrated on SPLAT

Say WHAT??? !!!!!

HappyGoLucky DAY is here, finally!  On Planet Splat this is the best time of the year.  The day when nothing matters except having a good time and having fun.  What could be better then that.

HappyGoLucky DAY, it happens four times a year, BUT it should be everyday.  People aren't in a rush, no one works (that's if you are lucky), and everyone smiles. 

So HAPPYGOLUCKY Day to you and your family from Planet Splat.

Enjoy the short videos and have a wonderful day.  Don't for get to kiss the dog and give the wife an extra bone today.  Smile All!!!
Start Your HAPPYGOLUCKY Day here
Click Below - Smile
The smiles are on us today!  Planet Splat presents this silly short about a jumping Wild Cherry.  Weird silliness.  But then it's HapppyGoLucky Day.   Be weird and silly.

Share you comments with Planet Splat at

HappyGoLucky Day to All! 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday Monday .... I hate you so.

Say Goodbye to the weekend and HELLO to the week....

Monday, Monday, how I hate you so.  Work, rushing, work, traffic, work; everything crashing together so it seems.   That wonderful extra sleep of Sunday seems so long ago.

Monday, Monday, how you treat me so.  It may not be fair to blame the first day of the week for all the troubles it causes.  But Monday Monday, I do hate you so.


Check out a short video.  Planet Splat presents; AIRPLANE a short silly comedy about air travel.  Come watch and fly SPLAT airlines for an easy trip to LAX.  Sure to make you smile.

Clear away those Monday Blues....take a trip with SPLAT Airlines.

Click Below.  Watch as Cats and Dogs Rain from the sky.
All Aboard for Good Fun.
Contact Planet Splat -
See more videos on at infoplanetsplat

BE sure TUESDAY is only a day away.  Try to smile.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Justin Bieber say it ain't so.....

What has the world come to when teen stars have gone WILD!

Justin Bieber a father?  Paternity, legal battles, babies out of wedlock..... those rock n roll artists are all out of control.  :)

HAS BIEBER gone the way of LOHAN?  Let's hope this is all about nothing.  Or let's hope, he just does the right thing.

Jackson, Lohan and now Bieber.   In the end they all go over the deep end.... SO SAD!

NEED A LAUGH.... WATCH this silly video. 
Bieber would have done better to watch this video.
CLICK to laugh.
Airline! Watch as a crying baby is silenced, as a storm endangers a airflight to LAX.
Airplane travel the way it should be..... SPLAT Airlines.

Planet Splat presents, contact us at

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

nEED A Laugh ... tAKE a BREak... YOU EARNED it.

wAY oUT.....wAY oUT.....THaT'S wheRE the Fun IS....!!!!!!!!

hEY CHECK OUT thIS sILLy vidEO.......

go AHEad......tAKE A look.............

jUST CLICK below and Take a ride..........

wHAT IS stopping you...... nO MORE readingjUST Click aND WATCH.  :)



Friday, October 28, 2011

Witches & Killer Rocks Ohmy!

Halloween is a wondrful time of the year!

Planet Splat enjoys the witches, the zombies, and all the monsters of the Halloween Season.  Humor has always been a part of good horror.  A laugh before a scream, a smile before a gasp. 

Alfred Hitchcock, John Carpenter, George Romero all knew how to creep an audience into a situation, a moment of suspense.  These great directors controlled the pace leading the audience into their web of entertainment.  The masters of horror understood the inner workings of human nature and controled the images to exploit fear and terror.

Planet Splat offers to you it's own flavor of horror.  Witches, Zombies, and Killer Rocks all are on display for your entertainment.

The Last Witch scene shows a witch struggling to stay alive as a curse haunts her.  She must find a human heart to cast a spell and protect herself.  Take a look, as the witch takes a man's heart, horror awaits.  Take notice of her youthful look, she has put a spell on herself to appear younger and sexy. 

The Last Witch wants to live forever.

Watch more videos on - channel infoplanetsplat

CLICK Below to view a wild KILLER ROCKS.
Retro Horror - fun silly short

Trick or Treat! Enjoy.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Halloween Harvest - Brains & Blood, Kids & Crazies

Halloween is near... Chiller Cool is Planet Splat. 
Watch the videos, check out the images...  crazy as a full moon can make it, delight in the blood feast of "Killer Rocks", view the strange world of the witch in "The Last Witch", check out the film-noir cool as a zombie detective eats his victims in "The DEAD Detective".

The LAST Witch - Fun Halloween Magic
The Last Witch will put a spell on you.  Watch this clip from the full length movie. 

An old witch uses a spell to make herself appear young.  Only an evil curse can stop her from getting what she wants.  The Last Witch shoot in 16mm is a great way to bring the holy days of Halloween.

KILLER ROCK - Retro Horror
Click to view, "Killer Rocks"
Killer Rocks is a blood bath.  If the moon is full beware, be afraid.
This strange film has rocks coming to life and attacking.  No one is safe.
BELOW VIEW Frankenstein as he dreams of sex and beauty.  Even Monsters need some love.
Horror was never so sexy. 
Nipolus Titivan, artist and film-maker, shares several of his images of horror and nudes.  Watch more videos on Planet Splat on at Infoplanetsplat.

Monsters live in us all.  Watch out you might wake from your life to find you have become a monster.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

NO BAG FEES! An Airline that cares --fly SPLAT Airlines. Silliness in the Air!

Traveling....then you'll love this.  "No Bag Fees!" "No Delayed Flights!" "No Angry In-Flight Workers!"  WATCH Air Travel from Splat Airlines.

Fly with SPLAT AIRLINES!  Fly with a company that cares. 

Watch a silly humorous video from PLANET SPLAT.

Airline Sillyness - Passangers deserve the best.
Airlines are out of contol with their fees!  Airlines care more about collecting money then providing quality on-time flights.  Not at SPLAT AIRLINES, this airline puts customers first.

Watch the silliness unflold, as a storm threatens the flight, as a crying baby screams, as the tension mounts.  Fly with us and smile all the way - SPLAT AIRLINES.

This video presented by Planet Splat, a new silliness.  Enjoy more videos at INFOPLANETSPLAT on

Wednesday, October 5, 2011



"Occupy Wall Street" is only the begining!  People unite to protest the greed of Wall Street, the Banking System, and many greedy Corporations.  These brave and noble souls on the streets of New York are coming together for the good of all.  The protest is growing and growing, it can't be stopped (even arresting 700 as they march peacefully).  As people come together to stop the greedy, they are providing an outlet for good, and proving people care.


Protest in New York
The DEAD Detective cares.
Watch at

The DEAD Detective, a man, who was gunned down for money by the "Evil Coporation".  After some strange events, he now rises from the grave each night.  He has a mission to take down the evil doers, the money hungry banks and the companies that take more and more.  These money suckers will do anything to make money, and will destroy people's lives without a care.

The Dead Detective is with you.
Occupy Wall Street
Watch at

This DETECTIVE has had enough!!! 


Watch this short animation on  Confessions of the DEAD Detective.  Justice has a new anti-hero, he rises from the grave and punishes the guilty corporations and the criminals that profit on others.

THE DEAD DETECTIVE presented by Planet Splat.

Confessions of the DEAD Detective - CLICK TO WATCH
The DEAD Detective provides his own form of justise.
Greedy Executives Beware!!!
The DEAD Detective will find you.
Watch the video at
Bankers walk away with BIG bonuses for putting people on the street.  Insurance companies deny coverage and let patients die.  Drug companies make huge profits by charging high rates for drugs that people on fixed incomes can't afford.  Many corporations pay big bonuses to executives while starving the working man and his family.  All these evil actions, all for the money, as the US Government looks the other way.

EAT THE RICH....Corporate Greed Be Damned!  This country has had it with over paid executives and greedy corporations.  And this Detective is coming for justice and punishment....!  EAT THE RICH.

Planet Splats presents "The DEAD Detective".  "EAT THE RICH" IS AVAILABLE ON YOUTUBE.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Two Ton Tit - That's A Handful!! (X-LARGE LAUGHS)

Well, what can you say about a breast the size of a house, larger than an SUV, more milk then twelve cows----holly bra batman.  It's "The TWO TON TIT"  That's more than a handful!  It's a new silly short released from Planet Splat ---- "THE TWO TON TIT". 

This is chapter FOUR, and we find the Monster Tit roaming the streets of the city, in charge and on a mission.  What is the Tits mission?  Stay tuned for more fun from Planet Splat.  This installment has a few quick laughs.  Look for the milky stuff to show.....babies, men and women are delighted by this weird and special tit.  LOOK FOR YOURSELF, you won't see it anywhere else.

Click to WATCH:

HOLY BRA!!! It's the Two Ton Tit!   You can run, but you won't escape this monster.  Planet Splat gets weirder, funnier, sillier and just down right stupid.

Watch the short, and check out more short animations all created on Adobe AfterEffects.  These crude but fun animations come to you from at channel INFOPLANETSPLALT.

Send us an email:

Enjoy your day, and thanks for stopping by.


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monkeyball - MONEYBALL meets RISE of the APES (movie satire)

MONKEYBALL -This is a funny satire on MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL, and the fact that it takes too much money to put together a winning team.  This satire rips at everyone... Major League Baseball, Disney, A-Rod, Bonds, Armstrong, Jennifer Anniston, Angelia Jolie, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and more.  Monkeyball hits on them all.  Watch short animation below.

"Moneyball" starring "Brad Pitt" is a great film and this satire does it justice.  "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" is a great film and this satire does it justice.  Combined these films make a SUPERSTAR funny satire - Monkeyball. 

MLB is faced with high salaries turns to Apes, injecting the apes with drugs, the apes become great baseball players.  They think the problem is solved, until the apes demand agents and start sleeping with movie stars.  Funny. clever, original, this short is the "World Series" of satire - Monkeyball.


PART ONE above: This is where it all begins. 
PART TWO below: Anniston ends up in bed with Jolie and the ape. 

Monkeyball - FUNNY till the last out!   This short hits it out of the ballpark!  Major League is actually thinking of replacing some of its stars with apes, when reality mirrors satire.

Planet Splat produced Monkeyball (MONEYBALL / APES SATIRE) --- for more videos; go to infoplanetsplat at

Email Planet Splat at

Saturday, September 24, 2011

MONEYBALL strikes out RISE of the APES (Silly Satire)

MONEYBALL hits on THE RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES in MONKEYBALL.  This video satire short sure punches MLB below the belt.  Silliness at it's best - Monkeyball.
Watch the video...It's Free.  And it's don't cost nothing. 
Watch the video...It's Free.   And it don't cost nothing.

"Moneyball" move over.  Major League Baseball "MLB" has gone to the apes.  These wild Apes are injected with the same drugs as Bonds, A-Rod, and Armstong to make them super human... all in Monkeyball. 

APES are used as professional baseball players to replace the over paid superstars.  The apes hit a home run, but the story starts there.  Angelina Jolie stops by for support, but where is "Brad Pitt".  (Jennifer Anniston might know?)  Enjoy the silly gags and weirdness - Monkeyball

This is a mad house, a mad house!!!!!  "World Series Baseball" "October Baseball" "Moneyball"  it's all about to get hit with this silly satire.  Baseball is a great sport, after watching this, I hope they can smile.

Planet Splat is always available for comments at
Enjoy.  Let's "Play ball!"
This is a mad house, a mad house!!!!!

Chiller Cool - Bloody Horror

Chiller Cool - Planet Splat
With Halloween only a few weeks away SPLAT has gone bloody.  Watch these selected horror videos from Planet Splat.  Be afraid...very afraid. 
Blood will run in these humor filled blood gushing Splat films. 
WATCH these and more at infoplanetsplat.  Add your comments, at SPLAT we will bleed to make entertainment chiller cool.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!  Ghosts and Witches and Monsters all welcome at Planet Splat. 
send comments to

Smile or scream, it's your choice everyday.

The DEAD Detective will save the world from the evil corporation.  Watch him spill blood and eat the evil corporate workers.  The DEAD Detective delights. 

Made in Adobe Photoshop using stop-motion.  The video style is simple, but that adds to the charm of the story.  This humorous bloody detective story will send chills, or at least laughs through you.

Planet Splat has more videos on at infoplanetsplat.  Watch and comment, participate in life.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Dr. Ripoff OR A Pleasant Day on the Operation Table

Dr. Ripoff is a great doctor, only you wouldn't want him operating on you.  This animation is a short, designed to be a quick gag and introduce the character.  Inspired by MADS Don Martin, not a "ripoff" of his masterful work. 

Dr. Ripoff is at work, so watch out!  Click Below.

This Doctor doesn't take MEDICARE.  But he will operate for steak dinner and a case of beer.  Enjoy this Planet Splat original. 

WARNING:  Nurses beware the Doctor does make house calls.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Killer Rocks -

This blood fest is a funny and weird short.  Killer Rocks will freak you out OR at least make you laugh.

Shot on 8mm in the late 70's, this is a strange idea that almost makes no sense.  The two actors in the film are brothers with no experience in front of the camera, but that doesn't matter as the charm of the craziness is what makes this retro film so interesting.
Killer Rocks is shot wildly, the blood keeps coming.  It is an interesting idea for a film and seems as experimental as it does retro 1970's.  The idea that rocks could come alive as recently been explored by the 2011 horror film Apollo 18.  But this B-film is more fun and doesn't require two hours of your time.  Killer Rocks is WILD HOROR by Planet Splat, the same people who brought Dancing Fruit and The Rise of the SuperStar Apes (also on
Killer Rocks is missing some sexy ladies, that would make this film perfect.  Watch Below.   Any thoughts..comment at

Monday, September 12, 2011

WILD CHERRY - silly funny fruit

Welcome to the amazing fantastic fruit show.... The Wild Cherry will sail with easy through the air...enjoy.  Planet Splat presents this silly show.  Add comments and watch more at PLANET SPLAT.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Funny Fruit -silly dancing fruit

Planet Splat presents the amazing fruit that can jump and dance.  Don't forget to eat your fruits.  Watch these silly fruits entertain as they come to life.  The Watermellon will amaze with her tapping shoes, the cherry will jump to the situation and the tomatoes are so juicy.  Come watch the fun.
Planet Splat also has a second dancing fruit video at, put in FUNNY FRUIT or PLANET SPLAT.
Comment , we'd love to ehar from you.

Go the for more PLANET SPLAT videos.
Contact us @
Enjoy life!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fishing - Down at the Fishing Hole

Animation and art - watch as this fisherman has a day at his favorite fishing spot.  It might not be his favorite after today.   Watch and let us know what you think...Hold on to your rod.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dr. Ripoff OR A Pleasant Day on the Operation Table

Dr. Ripoff is a fast and fun short animation.  The good doctor has his way of making everything a mess and this tie is no different.  Watch as Dr. Ripoff operates on a man as he rushes to get done...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Rise of the SuperStar Apes - Satire (Rise of the Planet of the Apes)

Watch the video...It's Free.  

Those wild Apes are injected with the same drugs as Bonds, A-Rod and Armstong to make them super human... They are used as professional baseball players to replace the over paid superstars.  The apes hit a home run, but the story starts there.  Jennifer Anniston and Angelina Jolie stop by for support and more.  Enjoy the silly gags and weirdness. 

This is a mad house, a mad house!!!!!

"Moneyball" hits Rise of the Planet of the Apes (Super Satire)

Major League Baseball (MLB, October Baseball, World Series) and THE APES HAVE GONE WILD!!!!!
The new MONEYBALL movie is out and so is the NEW SPOOF. The Apes are drugged, with the same drugs taken by Bonds, A-Rod and Armstong...., the Apes are designed to be gentle and caring to replace the out of control human race.  Save money...replace the players with APES.

This animation has look-a-like hotties---- Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Anniston pop in for a scene or two and there is a quick dig on Charlie Sheen's masterpiece Two and a Half Men.

This is satire has hair on it. Go APES! Check the full animation BELOW or on at Planet Splat.

PART ONE - this has Jolie coming for a visit as the Apes are introduced to the game of baseball.

PART TWO below: The Apes go bad and watch as Jennifer Anniston shows up in bed with Jolie and an Ape.  Silly for sure!  Go Apes!

The world is going to the apes!  This is a silly short that has Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Anniston in bed with the same ape.  Brad Pitt is going ape with ENVY.   Look for the apes to play "Moneyball" MLB, they make A-Rod look silly as they hit for homeruns.  Just in time for "October Baseball" and the "World Series" This short has a lot of silliness, worth a look.

"Money makes the world go round" but this world is going to the Apes.

Thanks for stopping by Planet Splat.